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​送貨及運費 Delivery and Shipping Fees

訂單運送時間 (ORDER Delivery Times)

確認訂單後我們會盡快將貨品送抵府上。訂單一般會於24小時內交付速遞公司, 並在7個工作天內送抵府上。大部分訂單會於3至5個工作天內送抵。

After ORDERs Confirmed we will your items in the fastest time possible! Order would be passed to Logistic Company with 24hrs, we promise to deliver to you within 7 working days. Most of the ORDERs will deliver between 3 to 5 working days.

運費計算方法 (Shipping Fee Policy)

為了提供客戶精緻的購物平台,Sky Sportage Ltd 提供最低價的運費並且希望客戶可以享受最好的購物體驗。當消費金額抵達門檻時,您將可以享受免運費服務。當然,免運門檻將以訂單折扣後的金額為基準。

At Sky Sportage Ltd, we keep our shipping fees to a minimum so that you get more bang for your buck! If you spend above a certain amount, you will qualify for free delivery. However, this minimum spend is only applicable after discounts and vouchers have been applied.

當購物車商品抵達HK$ 400 則將享受免運費服務。倘若低於 HK$ 400,運費將由買家負擔。

Entire shopping cart costing over HK$ 400 merits free shipping. If your order is below HK$ 400, a shipping fee will be applicable to you.


We accept payment method as below:

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